The colour of your car can affect your insurance.

The more expensive the car, the more expensive the insurance.

2 door coupes cost more than 4 door sedans.
Again, this myth has a bit of a grey area. A 2 door coupe is usually a defining feature of a sporty, high-performance car. In many cases, coupes are marketed towards drivers with a desire for more ‘spirited’ driving. This is why American muscle cars are almost always coupes. Ultimately, this results in a higher average insurance across all car makes and models.
Similar to the colour of your car, though, aesthetics are not a focus of insurance companies. While Mustangs and Corvettes have high-performance engines, the difference between a coupe and a sedan of the same car is minimal. The two options often have the same engine and features. When conducting a personal comparison of two 2018 Honda Civic EX-Ts on insurance, the coupe actually cost less to insure than the sedan. This could stem from a variety of factors including availability and cost of parts, or how easy a car is to fix. The same is true for a variety of economy level two door cars but should be verified by an insurance agent first.
Loyalty discounts are the largest factor in cheap insurance.

The way automotive insurance rates in Ontario are determined is simple; an insurance company decides exactly how much they charge for each variable, and presents these prices to the provincial government. After analyzing this proposal, The Government then either approves or rejects the proposal by the insurance company. If approved, this is the exact price the insurance company has to offer with no room for haggling.

This might sound like every policy should be the same, companies are allowed to propose whatever price they desire. There is a minimum price to ensure every driver is protected, but anything above that cost is variable. While your insurance company may have proposed a certain number, a rival company may have proposed a lower number. These base costs differ enough that you could find a better policy with another company, despite a loyalty discount.
Men always pay more on insurance than women.